DockDogs has upgraded to the new ERS (Electronic Registration System) for 2012. Here is a quick crash course on how to use it and how to register for an event:
First things first go to:
- If you have never ever been to a dockdogs event ever before you will need to register as a DockDogs handler
- If you have competed at a dockdogs event before (whether it be with RRDD, Ontario DockDogs, Thousand Island Dock Dogs, or an event way back in 2006) you have a handler ID. If you do not know what your handler ID is click ‘Recover Handler ID’
** Note: if you do need to recover your handler ID it will be e-mailed to you in a day or two.
Once you know your handler ID (either by registering or recovering it), login using your handler ID and password. This will take you to the DockDogs Handler Portal.
Make sure all your information is correct under My Profile
- Click on My Teams to create your teams (each team is a handler/dog combination)
To register for an event click on Upcoming Events (on the left hand side)
All the events (not just Rideau River DockDogs events) will be listed with either early bird registration, closed, check back later or open registration.
- Check back later means registration has not opened.
- Closed means pre-registration has closed, however, there will be registration spots available on-site. If you plan to register on site we highly recommend you arrive early to avoid disappointment!
For RRDD events if you are a member you will be e-mailed a special access code a few days before early registration opens to enable you to take part in the early bird registration. Open registration allows everyone (RRDD members and non RRDD members to register)
Once you have found the event you want to register in you will have to click on either early registration or open registration – this will take you to the event schedule and available waves. (If you click on the name of the event, the event information will just pop up). Beside each wave will be a link that says ‘add a team to this wave’, click on that and it will list all of your available teams to choose from. Select the team you want to register in the wave.
Choose all the waves you want to compete in. Once you are finished click Shopping Cart on the left hand side to check out and pay for your waves. You have 25 minutes to do this. You are not considered registered for a wave until you check out!
We hope this helps…if you have any questions or issues with registering for an event or the ERS feel free to e-mail